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Sponsor Opportunities

The Women’s Bar Association Foundation’s (WBAF) driving charitable mission is to support DC-based nonprofits that serve the legal and related needs of vulnerable and at-risk women or girls in the DC metropolitan community. The WBAF fulfills its mission by awarding grants and student fellowships generously funded by the local legal and broader community. Through these efforts, the WBAF supports its inspirational grant awardees and law student fellows who work for legal and social services organizations that align with our mission.


Maximizing the reach and impact of WBAF sponsor funds community-wide, the WBAF carefully evaluates and thoughtfully funds multiple community-focused nonprofit organizations that provide essential services for local women or girls. The WBAF’s grantees consist of an array of organizations: some large and well-known, others are smaller grassroots start-ups. Together they provide a comprehensive safety net for vulnerable populations of women and girls, ranging from children to the elderly, to recent immigrants and long-standing residents. Their approaches include obtaining immediate emergency orders to appellate advocacy. 

To fund this critical effort, the WBAF holds three exciting events each year: a Wine Tasting and Silent Auction, a Grant Awards Ceremony, and an annual dinner that is co-sponsored with our sister organization, the Women’s Bar Association. These events bring together WBAF supporters, members from our sister organization, the Women’s Bar Association, colleagues, and friends to enjoy opportunities to celebrate, build community and, be inspired while supporting the WBAF’s mission.

We invite you to join us by sponsoring and participating in these events!


Click here for our 2024 Sponsorship Catalog.




Cornerstone Sponsorship

In addition to the opportunities to sponsor events individually, the WBAF is excited to offer a unique Cornerstone Sponsorship. This special category of consolidated sponsorship provides generous sponsors the benefits from the highest sponsorship level for both the
Wine Tasting & Silent Auction and Grant Awards Ceremony at the reduced rate of $6,500.


There are additional benefits, including acknowledgment on the WBAF’s home page; recognition on the WBAF grantee infographic flyer; profile in the WBAF newsletter; quarterly social media shout-out; and a special gift of appreciation.


Wine Tasting & Silent Auction, Thursday, October 24, 2024, 6:00-8:00pm


$4,000, VIP Level: private reception with wine expert-led exclusive customized tasting for the first half-hour of the event, held in VIP-only restricted space, reserved for the entire evening; exclusive attendee badges;12 event attendee registrations; 12 door prize tickets for each event attendee; logo recognition in event program and on signage; logo and link included in promotional materials and on the event website; logo featured on auction website and in social media posts; 48-hour preview of online auction items for registrants; recognition from the podium at the event; opportunity to have a table display and/or provide giveaway items at the event; one ad in two editions of the WBAF newsletter; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual Report


$3,000, Reserve Level: 10 event attendee registrations; 10 door prize tickets for each event attendee; sponsor representative(s) draws and announces door prize winners; logo recognition in event program and on signage; logo and link included in promotional materials and on the event website; logo featured on auction website and in social media posts; 48-hour preview of online auction items for registrants; recognition from the podium at the event; opportunity to have a table display and/or provide giveaway items at the event; one ad in the WBAF newsletter; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual Report


$2,000, Select Level: 8 event attendee registrations; 8 door prize tickets for each event attendee; logo recognition in event program and on signage; logo and link included in promotional materials and on the event website; logo featured on auction website and in social media posts; 48-hour preview of online auction items for registrants; recognition from the podium at the event; opportunity to have a table display and/or provide giveaway items at the event; one ad in the WBAF newsletter; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual Report


$1,000, Magnum Level: 6 event attendee registrations; 6 door prize tickets for each event attendee; logo recognition in event program and on signage; logo and link included in promotional materials and on the event website; logo featured on auction website and in social media posts; 24-hour preview of online auction items for registrants; recognition from the podium at the event; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual Report


$700, Champagne Level: 4 event attendee registrations; 4 door prize tickets for each event attendee; name recognition in event program and on signage; name included in promotional materials and on the event website; your name listed on auction website and in social media posts; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual Report


$350, Wine Level: 2 event attendee registrations; 2 door prize tickets for each event attendee; name recognition in event program and on signage; name included in promotional materials and on the event website; listing in post-event newsletter article and WBAF Annual report

Grant Awards Ceremony, March 2025 TBD

Typically 75-120 attend this event. Sponsors are recognized in promotions to an email list of more than 5,000 


The WBA Foundation will recognize our 2024 grantees at this networking event, which brings together members of the Washington, DC legal community and others to support our mission of leveraging the generosity of lawyers and friends to support nonprofits that serve the legal and related needs of women and girls in the DC Metropolitan community.


Sponsorship commitments must be received by March 1, 2024 in order to be recognized at the event.


Platinum, $3,000: display table at the event, opportunity to provide giveaways for attendees, banner ad in WBAF quarterly e-newsletter (2 issues), recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage, from podium), listing on WBAF website and in standalone promo emails; mention in post-event e-newsletter article 

Gold, $2,000: banner ad in WBAF quarterly e-newsletter (1 issue), recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage, from podium), listing on WBAF website and in standalone promo emails; mention in post-event e-newsletter article

Silver, $1,000: recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage, from podium), listing on WBAF website and in standalone promo emails; mention in post-event e-newsletter article

Bronze, $700: recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage), mention in post-event e-newsletter article

WBAF Champion, $350: recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage) (this level is named in honor of our WBA Foundation Champion Award recipient).

Supporter, $100 (available to individuals only): recognition at the event (PPT loop, signage)

The WBA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Contributions are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. | 202-639-8880

WBA Foundation
2800 Eisenhower Avenue, Suite 210
Alexandria, VA 22314

© 2025 by WBA Foundation

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