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Sustaining Legacy Circle
Sustaining Legacy Circle
Sustaining Legacy Circle members are incredibly generous supporters who have named the WBA Foundation in their estate planning and/or have already made a bequest to the Foundation.
Candace Beck
Gaffar Chowdhury
Grace Parke Fremlin
Rachel & Matt Hardwick
Mary Ellen Fleck Kleiman
Bridget Bailey Lipscomb
Nancy A. Long
Susan Kovarovics
Elizabeth Sinnott Medaglia
Sadina Montani
Monica G. Parham* (bequest funds received in 2022)
Suzanne Reifman
Suzanne Richards* (bequest funds received in 2018)
Joseph H. Sinnott
Kirsten L. Wilkerson
Natalia C. Wilson
Click here to learn more about leaving a planned gift to the Foundation.
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