WBA Champions
The WBA Foundation Board of Directors created the WBA Foundation Champion Award in 2022. The purpose of the award is to recognize a devoted WBA Foundation champion.
2025: Gaffar Chowdhury, CAP
Gaffar is a dedicated supporter of the Foundation whose unfaltering devotion to its mission has manifested in multiple ways over many years. Gaffar served on the WBAF Board from 2013 – 2020. During his tenure, he was engaged on the Finance, Nominations and Strategy Planning committees and served as the Foundation’s Treasurer for 2 years. While serving, he freely offered and used his financial expertise to help guide the Foundation and nurture its fiscal responsibility. He also graciously and repeatedly opened his home to host the Foundation’s donor appreciation events.
In addition to being an actively engaged and impactful board leader, Gaffar, repeatedly and generously has sponsored the Foundation’s biggest fundraisers - Wine Tasting and Grant Awards Ceremony! His stalwart support of the Foundation also is reflected in the fact that he is a founding member of the WBAF’s Legacy Circle, having committed to the WBAF in his estate planning, helping to ensure the long-term financial well-being of the Foundation.
While his monetary support is critical, of equal importance is the selfless donation of his precious free time and valuable professional services to the Foundation’s Silent Auction. In particular, he has repeatedly donated to be auctioned off a popular weekend outing on his boat on the Potomac, in which he takes the winner and several guests on a scenic summer afternoon/evening wine and cheese cruise on the river. He also has donated his professional financial planning services, through his company, District Wealth Strategies, including, without hesitation, in response to an open call to Foundation supporters for additional auction items.
Gaffar, often joined by his wife, Brooke, makes it a priority to attend WBAF events, reliably there, in person, to mingle and engage at all of its fundraisers. But it doesn’t end there -- Gaffar enthusiastically uses his voice on public platforms to champion the Foundation. Specifically, he is an active and unrelenting promoter of the Foundation on social media, raising the Foundation’s profile and promoting its mission, across his expansive professional and personal network.
Gaffar is the President & CEO of District Wealth Strategies, a financial planning firm, and currently serves on the Wellbeing Committee of the Women’s Bar Association of D.C., on the D.C. Bar’s Board of Governors, and as the Immediate Past President of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors - Greater Washington D.C.

2024: Nancy Long
Nancy’s unflagging support of the WBA Foundation began when she served as Executive Director of the Women’s Bar Association and the WBA Foundation from 2004-2007. She was a Director on the Foundation Board in the 2013-2014 Bar year and then served as President for two terms, 2014 - 2016. She served as Immediate Past President on the Board from 2016-2018. She was also President of the Women’s Bar Association from 1996-1997.
During her time as President of the Foundation, Nancy focused on strengthening the relationship between the Association and the Foundation. The strategic vision from these efforts remains today and Nancy continues to personally take steps to ensure that the two organizations support each other.
It is not possible to list all of the ways in which Nancy has supported the Foundation, but one specific example is our annual Chef’s Dine-In fundraiser. Nancy has helped coordinate the volunteer chefs for this event, which is hosted by WBAF 2023 Champion Paulette Chapman. Nancy’s contribution to this event will be celebrated at the 2024 event, which has tentatively been themed as the Nancy Long Italian Cooking
Nancy is a consistent presence at and fundraiser for Foundation events. Her annual donation of a home-cooked Italian meal is a popular item at the Wine Tasting & Silent Auction.
Nancy is the Interim Executive Director of the American Association of University Professors. She was previously the Deputy Executive Director and Associate Counsel.

2023: Paulette Chapman
Paulette has been a steadfast supporter of the Foundation’s mission in a number of ways over the years. For 11 years, she has opened her home to host the WBAF’s Chefs Dine In fundraiser. In addition to being fundraising events, these gatherings also highlight the deep sense of Fellowship amongst Association and Foundation leaders. Paulette is the consummate host, even coordinating prize drawings to add more fun to the evening.
Paulette served on the Foundation Board from 2004-2010, was chair of the Grants Committee for three years, and served as Treasurer from 2006-2007. She was also President of the Women’s Bar Association from 2003-2004.
She did all of this work for the WBA and the Foundation while being an extraordinary attorney. In her day job, Paulette has represented plaintiffs in personal injury matters for over 30 years and is a partner at Koonz, McKenney, Johnson & DePaolis LLP.

2022: Marjorie O'Connell
Marjorie is a founding member of the Foundation and was its first president, from 1981 to 1983. She was also involved in forming the National Foundation of Women’s Bar Associations. In the early 1980’s, Marjorie was asked to chair the budget committee for the Women’s Bar Association, to consider new ways to fundraise for the Association. While serving on that committee, Marjorie asked, "Why do we not have a Foundation?" The response was that they had just never had one. Marjorie’s response? “We CAN and we SHOULD!”
Marjorie also served on the board of the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations, and—since she had already started a foundation—she was asked to help establish the NCWBA Foundation in 1984 and went on to lead that organization for years.
Marjorie has served on the ABA House of Delegates for almost three decades. After four years with a major DC law firm, she started her own firm in 1977—O’Connell & Associates—focusing on tax law. That was not without its challenges: she was told by a banker that she needed written permission from her husband and his permission to borrow money to finance the venture. The banker had met his match! Since the early 1970’s, Marjorie has worked with the National Organization of Women’s credit and taxes committee. As co-chair of the committee, Marjorie became involved on the national level, working on the Credit Fairness Act, a federal law making it illegal to discriminate against women when it comes to issuing credit. Ultimately, that banker approved non-collateralized single signature financing for her firm and generations of women have Marjorie to thank for access to credit without a man’s signature.